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$10,000 Sanctuary Barn Appeal

$10,000 Sanctuary Barn Appeal

It’s not often that the Llama Sanctuary reaches out for help; appreciative of the constant demands made by charities that appear more urgent or important than caring for llamas, our fund-raising efforts have been focused on creating things of value to sell from our...
Haven to the Rescue

Haven to the Rescue

Today is the day! We are just ‘saddling’ up Haven to help us attract a six year old llama female into the trailer. This female has never been handled, nor haltered and has free run of a very steep five acres of bare land as guardian to a herd of goats. Her 80 year old...
The First Hour of Life

The First Hour of Life

There is little else on this planet so awe inspiring as the process of birth, whether of humans of animals.  However, when it comes to the speed of development of the baby, there are few creatures that can beat a llama. This short video, set to uplifting music tracks...
Pond Feeding

Pond Feeding

Fresh vegetation is still sparse at this time of year, but the llamas would much prefer to spend the day searching around the trails for fresh nibbles, than to hang around the barn eating hay. Even paddling in the pond to grab a few willow buds seems to be worthwhile...
It’s An Alpaca!

It’s An Alpaca!

…of Llamas and Alpacas Some of the common questions we are asked at The Llama Sanctuary regarding llamas and alpacas: Q.  Are llamas and alpacas related? A.  Yes.  Llamas and alpacas are both members of the camelid family and they both claim origin from South...