Residents of The Llama Sanctuary

by | May 12, 2021

The number of resident llamas and alpacas varies from week to week, sometimes day to day!  Many have come to The Sanctuary to retire, too frail to undergo yet another re-homing transition.  Some come to The Llama Sanctuary due to illness or injury or because or behavioural challenges.  And then others are here just for fun, to keep the spirit high and the llama games alive!

Everyone who visits The Sanctuary comes away with a favourite: the cheeky one, the noble one, the friendly one, the sad one, the crippled one or the naughty one.  Who’s your favourite?

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Residents Snapshot 2022

Some of the Characters You Will Meet

Brownie - Ccara Llama

Llama with dropped pasterns

Fada - Ccara Llama

Fada llama sanctuary ccara llama

Hermes - Ccara Llama

Escapee Llama Hermes settles at The Llama Sanctuary

Yogi - Ccara Llama

Yogi llama at The Llama Sanctuary

Prince - Ccara Llama

One of a herd of llamas roaming wild in the South Okanagan region of British Columbia.  Rescued by The Llama Sanctuary after someone started shooting the llamas

Thoreau - Ccara Llama

Thoreau was one of a number of llamas seized from a petting zoo by the SPCA and delivered to The Llama Sanctuary.  Thoreau has no teeth

Poppins - Woolly Llama

Poppins, rescued woolly llama at The Llama Sanctuary

Juno - Ccara Llama

Juno, ccara llama at The Llama Sanctuary, rescued 2021

Carmen - Ccara Llama

Carmen, rescued llama at The Llama Sanctuary with her cria

Summer - Miniature Llama

miniature llama

Duffy - Woolly Llama

black llama shorn The Llama Sanctuary

Gemmy - Alpaca

blind alpaca at the llama sanctuary

Blackberry - Woolly Classic Llama

Llama Blackberry a mad mad mad mad llama

Calypso - Ccara Llama

Beautiful llama Calypso was a baby when she was rescued from the forest

Connie - Ccara Llama

llama Connie, abandoned with several other llamas in the forest

Boutique - Ccara llama

Boutique - a young ccara llama at The Llama Sanctuary was about to be shot by RCMP as a hazard on the road

Princess Meadow - Woolly Llama

Llama attacked and severely wounded by a bear makes good recovery at The Llama Sanctuary

Paul - Ccara Llama

Paul, classic white llama at The Llama Sanctuary a favourite with all visitors

Manna - Ccara Llama

Manna magnificent ccara llama at The Llama Sanctuary

Toby - Ccara Llama

Toby, ccara llama on a misty snowy day

Tantoo - Ccara Llama

Tantoo handsome white llama

Lilium - Ccara Llama

Lilium Llama Queen of the Tribe at The Llama Sanctuary

Eddie the Alpaca

Eddie the alpaca arrived in 2023 in a shocking state, his coat so heavy and matted he could barely walk

Twizzle - Huarizo (hybrid llama/alpaca)

Twizzle is one of 10 llamas, alpacas and hybrids rescued by The Llama Sanctuary in 2024

Evvie - Huarizo (hybrid llama/alpaca)

alpaca/llama hybrid cria - born to Twizzle a huarizo and most likely with an alpaca father

MoonShadow - Woolly Llama

The Llama Sanctuary was called upon by the SPCA to catch and care for this beautiful llama

Chanelle - Woolly Llama

Chanelle llama suffering from spondylosis, but responding well to homeopathic treatment

Pema - Ccara Llama

one of three llamas voluntarily surrendered into the care of The Llama Sanctuary upon recommendation by the SPCA

George - Woolly Llama

George on of 4 llamas roaming wild in the south Okanagan valley

CocoPuff - Woolly Llama

One of 4 llamas living wild in British Columbia and now living the good life at The Llama Sanctuary

Spud - Hybrid Llama

one of a large herd of llamas roaming free in British Columbia

Rya - Ccara Llama

Llama Rya - rescued by The Llama Sanctuary - forgotten and left alone without food or water when owner was in hospital long term

Silverbell-- Suri Llama

Suri llama Silverbell left behind on property when owner moved away.

Amigo - Woolly Llama

Amigo is a large very woolly llama. Crippled with arthritis but loving life

Rico - Woolly Llama

Rico the llama is nearly blind

Bella - Woolly Llama

Bella llama retired to The Llama Sanctuary

Gypsy - Woolly Llama

Llama Gypsy is severely crippled with arthritis, but that doesn't stop her living life the way she wants it

Afrika - Woolly Llama

Afrika - the oldest llama in The Sanctuary

Heidi - Ccara Llama

Heidi llama surrendered to The Llama Sanctuary when owner became ill

Current Number of Residents


Book Your Visit to The Llama Sanctuary

The Llama Sanctuary is open to visitors almost every day. However, we do require advance notice for all visits. We might be away collecting, rescuing or re-homing a llama and we wouldn’t want to miss you!

email us at: support (at) llamasanctuary (dot) com

Call us on 1 250 948 3675 (leave a message if necessary – we will return your call.