On December 17th I wrote about Coco, who broke her leg in a fall on the icy ground. The initial...

Homoeopathy & Camelids Articles
A Case of Broken Leg
Daily interaction with animals can bring huge rewards. To learn to communicate with and develop...
A Cure for Paralysis?
Helplessness & Miracles Have you ever experienced that feeling of total helplessness in the...
Llama Vertigo
Llamas are amazingly resilient creatures and that resilience extends to the entire process of...
All In a Day’s Work
As anyone who works with animals will tell you, there are never enough hours in the day! Severe...
The Many Woes of Ping – A Llama Survival Story – Part 2
....continued from Part 1 of The Many Woes of Ping Unfortunately, Pings ears didn’t fare as well...
Losing a Companion
Death of a Llama Losing a companion is always distressing and can even be traumatic, especially...