Where a property is empty, repossessed etc and a llama appears to be in residence, without a carer, The Llama Sanctuary can seek the necessary permission to catch and remove the abandoned camelid.
Re-Homing Assistance
The Llama Sanctuary is not a llama dumping ground and does not have the necessary resources to take in llamas and alpacas just because the keepers don’t want them any longer or are moving to another property without the space to care for them. The Llama Sanctuary can actively assist in finding new homes. The more notice we have to help, the stronger the chances of finding the perfect homes.
Voluntary Surrender
Where the keeper is unable to continue to provide for the llamas and alpacas in their care, whether due to ill health, accident, death or any other reason, The Llama sanctuary can assist in a number of ways.
Situations arise when a llama keeper is no longer able to provide the level of care they wish for their long-time companions. The Llama Sanctuary may be able to provide a ‘forever’ home where financially supported by donations.
Respite Care
With much experience providing naturopathic and homoeopathic care for camelids, The Llama Sanctuary is, in certain situations, able to offer respite placement for sick and injured llamas and alpacas

Financial Support
The Llama Sanctuary does not receive grants from government or any other public body; it is entirely funded from the private trust that has been established to provide this facility, the staff members are unpaid and it is run entirely by volunteers, donations and sponsorships …and finding the money to pay for everything is the challenge that is faced every single day. Your support and your donations mean a great deal. Thank you.