by David | Mar 26, 2014 | Ear Problems, Ears, Guard Llamas, Llama Body
Fluffy llama ears might look really cute, but they do serve a purpose. Classic llamas tend not to have woolly ears; instead the ear opening is completely unobstructed, enabling them to detect faint sounds and pinpoint locations. This is one reason they make such...
by David | Mar 13, 2014 | Fundraising
by David | Mar 13, 2014 | Llama Body, Toenails & Trimming
One of the first things that needs attention when a newly rescued llama arrives in the Sanctuary, is toenail trimming. Many llamas are acquired as guard animals and left to roam out in the pasture with sheep or goats and since they receive very little attention,...
by David | Mar 3, 2014 | Mucking Out
Okay, so I occasionally whine about the llamas making a terrible mess in the barn. No sooner do we fork the manure into the wheelbarrow, get it cleaned away and cover the floor with new straw and there will be a queue of llamas waiting to mark their territory once...
by David | Feb 24, 2014 | Fundraising, Hill Climbing, Humour, Llama Behaviour, Llama Sanctuary, The Sound of Music, Uncategorized
Having recently themed a couple of other llama sanctuary posts on ‘The Sound of Music,’ I read over the weekend that Maria von Trapp died recently at the age of 99. She was the last surviving member of the von Trapp Family Singers, whose story inspired...
by David | Feb 20, 2014 | Sunbathing
Just one day of February sunshine can wash away many days of tribulations ….if you let it! There is always so much to do around the Llama Sanctuary, especially in winter with all the extra feeding, watering, mucking out and shoveling endless mountains of snow...
by David | Feb 18, 2014 | Coniferous Trees, Feeding Llamas & Alpacas, Foraging
Any llama keeper will tell you that camelids absolutely adore eating coniferous trees. Pine, spruce, larch, hemlock and even cedar trees are all a favoured element of the llamas diet. In winter, they crave the spicy greenery which droops down under a heavy snowload,...
by David | Feb 17, 2014 | Death & Dying, Emotional Disease, Emotions & Feelings in Animals
It’s very difficult not to become emotionally attached to the animals in our care and losing an animal at the Llama Sanctuary, is like losing a dear friend. Some of the llamas and alpacas were once snatched from the clutches of the abattoir, the vet’s...
by David | Feb 14, 2014 | Emotions & Feelings in Animals
Whether or not you celebrate or adhere to the doctrines of any of the special days in our calendar, they remain suitable reminders for those who set aside time each day to ponder and contemplate their philosophy in life. Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint...
by David | Feb 13, 2014 | Feeding Llamas & Alpacas, Halter, Llamas in Winter
These narrow back roads really make life difficult in deep snow. Being held to ransom by gangs of marauding llamas is not uncommon in this neck of the woods. Thankfully, the llamas are not so fast off the shoveled path, so in emergencies we can dodge around...