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Llama Sanctuary Achievements in 2015

Llama Sanctuary Achievements in 2015

What a year! What a crazy year!  We appreciate that llama rescue seems like a teensy, weensy little blip on the global scope of catastrophe, war, famine, floods, war, neglect, abuse, torture and yet more war.   The big question that runs through the minds and lips of...

Llama Orthotics

Ping is suffering from severe degenerative joint disease, but she has determined that it’s not going to hold her back or stop her from doing what she’s always done.  There is nothing wrong with her mind; what Ping wants to do, Ping does, even if she has to...

Fare Thee Well

There’s always a tinge of sadness when one of the residents leaves The Llama Sanctuary for a new home.  It’s extremely easy to become attached to the llamas and alpacas as it is to fall in love with a cute kitten or puppy, no matter how short their stay...

Llamas Be Cool

The temperature here in the North Okanagan region of British Columbia has been unwaveringly hot for early summer, topping 40 degrees Celsius in June! This climatic aberration stretches cross the globe; Europe, Asia, the Orient and North America, are all experiencing...

A Case of Broken Leg

Daily interaction with animals can bring huge rewards. To learn to communicate with and develop relationships with our brothers and sisters of the animal kingdom provides countless opportunities for personal growth, and we like to believe that animals are also able to...