There’s always a tinge of sadness when one of the residents leaves The Llama Sanctuary for a new home. It’s extremely easy to become attached to the llamas and alpacas as it is to fall in love with a cute kitten or puppy, no matter how short their stay has been here. But when a whole group of residents depart who have been under our special care for several years, then that’s reason enough to squeeze out a tear or two.
Angelina and Cattilac have been living at The Llama Sanctuary for the last three years, together with a number of other llamas from the same group, who moved on to fresh pastures earlier this year. Regular readers will doubtless remember Coco, who broke her leg last winter and of course, the handsome Touché, who caused many a headache with his fence jumping antics. Other ‘departees’ include Cattilac’s year old, heavenly-coated cria, Desoto. What a beauty she is!
And then of course, there is Tiva; probably the best known llama in the neighbourhood. Tiva was an expert on a tether, he spent much of his time grazing the grassy verges and gardens around the entrance to The Llama Sanctuary. He became somewhat of a landmark for locals and may be the most photographed llama of all time, with countless vacationers stopping on their way to Mabel Lake to say hello and have their photograph taken with him.
During one winter, for reasons yet unknown, Tiva lost all of his back teeth and needs special food prepared for him during the winter time. He’s unable to chew long hay stalks, which cause him to produce quiddings (spitting out large lumps of chewed hay or grass) and ultimately lose a lot of fluid and minerals from his body.
The girls will miss Tiva’s orgling and attention, the boys will miss his moaning when the girls aren’t around and I will miss him keeping the grass trimmed. ….back to using the lawnmower I suppose!
Bon voyage Boys and Girls; be good!