by David | Aug 26, 2016 | Crowdfund, Donations, Llama Stories
My name is Tanya – Remember me? My guardian got really sick; he didn’t come home again. It was just me and my goats, but then they were… well, they all laid down, and it was just me …on my own. I was frightened …REALLY frightened. I was afraid that I would...
by David | Dec 20, 2012 | Fun and Games, Llama Competition
How many llamas and alpacas can you find in this photograph? Please submit answers in the comment box and we will find a suitable gift for the winner or winners! (click on the image to enlarge) ….and if the world doesn’t come to a grinding halt on the...
by David | Nov 26, 2012 | Baby Llamas, Feeding Llamas & Alpacas, Llama Diseases, Llama Health, Uncategorized, Urine Therapy
Although this story has previously been posted on our fibre arts blog it rightfully belongs here amongst the llamas. All of our llamas have a story to tell, but perhaps none more painful and tragic, yet more inspiring than that of Ping. This is...
by David | Oct 23, 2012 | Homoeopathy & Camelids, Llama Diseases, Llama Health
Death of a Llama Losing a companion is always distressing and can even be traumatic, especially when deep bonds have developed between human and animal. People who have not experienced this deeply spiritual and immensely powerful bond might find it difficult, if not...
by David | Oct 12, 2012 | Llama History, Llama Rescue, Llama Sanctuary
During the sixteenth century, Conquistadors invaded South America and slaughtered vast numbers of llamas, replacing these revered and worshipped animals with sheep they had brought with them from Europe. The few remaining llama herders were driven into the High Puna...