My name is Tanya – Remember me? My guardian got really sick; he didn’t come home again. It was just me and my goats, but then they were… well, they all laid down, and it was just me …on my own. I was frightened …REALLY frightened. I was afraid that I would be next. That’s why I wouldn’t let anyone touch me. Sorry about that and I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused and the fuss I made about getting into the trailer. You stopped limping after a couple of days, so I guess it wasn’t broken. The Sanctuary was crazy – I didn’t know there were that many llamas in the world!
I want you all to know that I’m really happy now. I’m on another little hobby farm, with some really neat people and I’ve got a swarm of sheep and goats and ducks and critters to look after. So thank you Llama Sanctuary. Thank you to everyone who showed such patience with me. I’m feeling much better about life.
All this was made possible by volunteers. No government assistance; no regular income; living hand-to-mouth; just two ordinary people shining a light on one small sector of the animal kingdom; a sector that gets very little attention. The Llama Sanctuary is in great need of more land, more space and more shelter. We would love to be open to the public, so that everyone can have the pleasure of experiencing camelids at their most graceful and gracious.
Whether you can spare a few dollars or a few hundred dollars or whether you know a lot a people or even just a few people, I am asking for your help to share this email and tell people about this campaign. Tanya and hundreds of others like her depend upon organizations like The Llama Sanctuary.