Pond Feeding

Pond Feeding

Fresh vegetation is still sparse at this time of year, but the llamas would much prefer to spend the day searching around the trails for fresh nibbles, than to hang around the barn eating hay. Even paddling in the pond to grab a few willow buds seems to be worthwhile...
It’s An Alpaca!

It’s An Alpaca!

…of Llamas and Alpacas Some of the common questions we are asked at The Llama Sanctuary regarding llamas and alpacas: Q.  Are llamas and alpacas related? A.  Yes.  Llamas and alpacas are both members of the camelid family and they both claim origin from South...
Llama Escort

Llama Escort

Another week of cold weather, where the mercury struggles to rise above minus ten Celsius during the daytime, means that extra high protein rations are doled out to each and every member of the llama herd.  Left to their own system, the stronger and more dominant...
Llama Forest Highway

Llama Forest Highway

Llamas love browsing in the forest, especially in winter when they are desperate for some fresh greenery.  They are particularly fond of spruce, pine, larch and hemlock, but cedar will do when the others are in short supply.  It’s rather peculiar that the llamas...