Toenails Need Trimming

Toenails Need Trimming

One of the first things that needs attention when a newly rescued llama arrives in the Sanctuary, is toenail trimming.  Many llamas are acquired as guard animals and  left to roam out in the pasture with sheep or goats and since they receive very little attention,...
Llama Spit

Llama Spit

In the world of camelids (llama, alpaca, camel, guanaco and vicuna) spitting is the equivalent of throwing a stun grenade at your opponent. Despite being extremely effective at immobilizing their opponent, the spittor …..and anyone else in the vicinity, also...
How To Catch A Llama

How To Catch A Llama

This post was first published in 2008 on our old website, but the lessons we learned and shared then are still as relevant today and worth sharing here, especially with those who have newly acquired llamas or are considering welcoming a few of these majestic beasts in...