by David | Jan 8, 2016 | Donations, Llama Rescue, Llama Sanctuary, Llama Video, Philosophy & Animals, Shearing Llamas
Drive through the suburbs of any city and you will encounter many small homesteads engulfed by the unrelenting, fungal growth of housing developments and commercial sprawl. The dreams of the original homesteaders have often, long since faded away, along with the...
by David | Feb 24, 2014 | Fundraising, Hill Climbing, Humour, Llama Behaviour, Llama Sanctuary, The Sound of Music, Uncategorized
Having recently themed a couple of other llama sanctuary posts on ‘The Sound of Music,’ I read over the weekend that Maria von Trapp died recently at the age of 99. She was the last surviving member of the von Trapp Family Singers, whose story inspired...
by David | Jan 28, 2014 | Llama Behaviour
If you want a test of your patience, stand in line with a group of llamas. They can queue on a forest trail for hours! If only I could find some way to bottle it for later use. The real test of patience comes at feeding time. Some of them still have it in abundance...
by David | Feb 15, 2013 | Bark Eating, Feeding Llamas & Alpacas, Llama Behaviour, Llama Habits, Llama Sanctuary, Llama Video
As life in the Llama Sanctuary trudges on through the winter, the novelty of crunchy hay wears off and everyone gets a little tired of the restrictions imposed by the narrow trails though the snow. Whilst humans await the re-emergence of the garden soil and the...
by David | Jan 11, 2013 | Fun and Games, Llama Behaviour, Llama Habits, Philosophy & Animals
Following on from yesterday’s post about sproinging, here’s another clip of some of the sanctuary llamas running together. Playtime Llamas love to run and frolick. Playing games and racing is obviously related to developing escape and evasion tactics in...