The Llama Sanctuary located near Chase in BC

Long Overdue

For several years, The Llama Sanctuary has been struggling to find sufficient pasture to cater for the ever-growing number of residents, whether they be full-time residents or just temporary visitors, undergoing health checks and awaiting suitable foster homes.

Over-crowding and over-grazing leads to stress and ultimately, to ill-health, the very situation from which so many of these rescued animals have escaped.   Not a good situation!

Ample Pasture

When we received the call from someone offering a share of 160 acres at a horse-boarding facility, we knew in the instant that this was ‘It’; this was the perfect home for which we had been searching.

Multiple corrals and paddocks neatly arranged around large horse barns with foaling stalls and every facility we could ever wish for that make caring for the sick and elderly camelids so much easier.

If it means that we have to hike around the 30 acres of rough pasture clearings, dotted throughout a forest of pine, fir and birch, in order to catch a glimpse of the main herd of llamas, then so be it.  That’s a healthy pastime!



The Llama Sanctuary is now located at 2415 Chase Falkland Road, near Chase in British Columbia.  You can contact us at any time by using the Contact Form on this website.

So at this point we ask forgiveness if we seem to have been distant for the last month of more or we have been slow in responding to emails and messages; moving The Llama Sanctuary has not been an easy task, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Of course, all of this comes at a price and you can expect that The Sanctuary will be increasing its fundraising activities from this point forward.

helping animals in need - donate to The Llama Sanctuary

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