Chipper is an intact (not castrated) and very handsome Classic or Ccara llama, indicated by his smooth ‘banana’ ears, smooth fibre on his legs and face and the double coat, which is less likely to attract the dirt and vegetation.
Despite rumours that circulate to the contrary, intact male llamas are not ordinarily aggressive and need not be castrated to ‘calm them’. In the considerable experience acquired working with numerous males at The Llama Sanctuary, unless the castration is performed in the first 2 years of life, then the procedure makes no difference to temperament. Intact males can live quite happily together.
On no account should ‘banding’ castration be performed on a llama.
If you have the facilities, the love and the desire to provide for this beautiful llama, please let us know and we will put you in touch. We understand that transport may be available.