We are grateful for the many inquiries received from people offering a home to a rescued llama or alpaca or people who want llamas for fiber or packing or guarding sheep. Our role is to connect the right animals with the right homes, so don’t be perturbed if you are unable to find a suitable match for you right away. For instance, not all llamas make good guardians. Unruly males can mount sheep or they may simply be unobservant, apparently more interested in their own reflection in the window than the coyote ambling through the paddock! Many times, we are asked for a single llama to be a companion to replace one that has recently departed or a pair of llamas to mow the meadow. Seldom do we have single llamas of a suitable age seeking a new home.

Although some new llama arrivals shall forever remain here in The Sanctuary, due to illness, age or behavioural challenges, we now have a nine newcomers requiring new homes.
Approximately 4 years old, Orion has had a very hard life, literally fighting for his survival. We have spent some time halter training and working with him, but he is still extremely nervous. He freezes when haltered. Due to his experiences, he cannot live with other male llamas or alpacas. Orion is a hybrid Classic/Woolly. He is in good health and has recently been gelded. Great patience is yet required to work with Orion and win his trust.
Join the llamas on safari
The Cookie Tribe
Although they have received much love. these four llamas have bounced around from pillar to post for a number of years, so a stable home is desired for them. They have not been handled much and they will require a lot of patience and experience to train them. They are very much a tribe in their own right and are looking for a large acreage to graze and call home.
Vanilla Bean is a gelded male Classic/Ccara and does not require regular shearing. Pancake is an unusual woolly/Suri hybrid gelded male and will require occasional shearing …right now would be good!

Tabatha is a Woolly llama and her fiber appears to be suitable for spinning. Chocolate Chip on the other hand, is a Classic/Wooly hybrid gelded male. He has several years of matted coat on him, so it is difficult to tell what his fiber would be like.
Together, this tribe would make a good guradian herd. They are accustomed to living with many other kinds of animals and appear to love little chicks!