“Let Care & Compassion be our Legacy”
Thank You for Caring
With a huge increase in the number of elderly, crippled and/or underweight llamas arriving at The Sanctuary, the feeding and individual care program has expanded considerably and llama intensive care facility aka The Refirmary is nearing capacity! The pace of rebuilding The Llama Sanctuary has not slackened for one moment. Barns, shelters, fencing and infrastructure are taking shape nicely, but there is still much to do. The plan for 2025 is to restore the land element; clearing, levelling, draining and reseeding pasture and hedgerows, as well as moving thousands of feet of fence. The new Cat Sanctuary also requires some work to get the whole project under one roof. Caring about animal welfare is not a choice, it’s a way of life and we are glad you are on this journey with us!

What's happening in The Llama SanctuaryLlama Sanctuary News
Building the new Llama Intensive Care Unit
Funds are urgently required to rebuild The Llama Sanctuary
Thank You for Saving The Llama Sanctuary
In 2022 The Llama Sanctuary was forced to leave the beautiful park seen in the videos below. The entire Llama Sanctuary, including more than 40 resident llamas and alpacas relocated 3 times in the space of 9 months! A new and long-term home has been found at the Recline Ridge Ecopark in Tappen, British Columbia. In the last 10 months we have erected more than 2500′ of new fencing, constructed 11 buildings and rescued 24 llamas and alpacas!
Your donations are always put to good use helping the less fortunate animals
Come and see for yourself!
Donation Receipts
Donations to The Llama Sanctuary are tax deductible. If you would like a tax receipt please complete the Tax Receipt Form

Place your empties in a clear sac and take to any Return-It Express Bottle Depot
Enter the Phone Number 250 948 3675 on the label
for auto-deposit to The Llama Sanctuary
or take them to any Bottle Depot & send the $$ as a donation!
You can also drop off your bottles at The Llama Sanctuary
Recycling is Giving !!!

The new Llama Intensive care Unit is almost complete
see for yourself what goes on at The Llama SanctuaryBook Your Tour Now:
Feed the Llamas
After a long absence, The Llama Sanctuary is open to visitors once more and is quickly becoming one of the top regional attractions. The llamas and alpacas LOVE their new home at the Recline Ridge Ecopark in Tappen, British Columbia. Daily Guided Tours enable you to meet and feed the 60 or so animals at this beautiful scenic location in the Shuswap region. The llamas and alpacas are ready to share some love ..and carrots! Schools and group visits welcome. Call or email us today or use the online booking form.

What is The Llama Sanctuary?
helping people helping animalsWhy Save Animals?
You might have noticed the huge increase in animal societies and rescue organizations. This is a direct result of an increasing compassion that is being felt by the people of this planet. This compassion is finding expression through such advocacies as cleaning garbage from the oceans and reducing our use of fossil fuels. This is just the very beginning of a tidal wave of awakening that is occurring, together with a realization that we SHARE this planet with other life forms that have as much right to live as we do. Having developed a passion for llamas and alpacas, life has directed us to provide a special home for those camelids who require assistance.
Why Make a Donation?
Not everyone is in a position to care for animals, nor perhaps have they the experience or inclination to do so. Donating is a way of sharing the burden of cleaning up the mess of human existence and caring for those we might have harmed along the way. The costs of running a large animal shelter are considerable and the hours required to manage all of the animals and all of the enquiries often stretch beyond the hours available. It is a passion that rises from the soul and often demands everything one has and more. We get down on our knees and beg for a penny here and a saving there to try and make ends meet. And we appreciate every word of encouragement and every penny that is offered.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
Encourage the philosophy of Care and Compassion
Aid and deliver animals in distress
Facilitate education
Share the joy of llamas!
What we do
Our Services



Finding a Home

Emergency Evacuation & Respite
Llama Adoption
Adopting vs Buying
Not all llamas require shearing. The majority of the llamas that come through The Llama Sanctuary are Ccara llamas, which have a coarse guard hair covering a soft under-down. If you are hoping to use fibre from a llama, then the ccara llama is not for you! Also, many of these animals have not been trained or have experienced some form of abuse or neglect and require time and handling to acheive trust and respect. If you require a well trained llama that produces beautiful fibre for spinning, we recommend that you buy from a respected fibre llama breeder.
Animal Welfare & the Law
Canada has a long way to go to reach standards of animal welfare found in other nations, but laws still apply and are improving each year. Where natural compassion and respect are absent or lacking in an animal keeper, then the law can force the keeper to provide proper care or force them to surrender the animal.
Sponsor a Llama
No room for a llama?
Sponsor one at The Llama Sanctuary instead
The Visitor Experience

Meet The Residents

Get Involved
Upcoming Events
Visiting The Llama Sanctuary
If you are in the Southern Interior of British Columbia, join us on a Guided Tour of The Llama Sanctuary. Meet the llamas, hear their personal stories, feed them and love them. Read reviews from previous visitors. This is not a petting zoo, it’s an interactive and unforgettable experience for the whole family!
Emergency Training Event
We have been asked to run a training event for RCMP, SPCA, vets and others who occasionally encounter llamas in their professional lives and wish to learn more about handling, haltering and directing camelids. If you are interested, please let us know!
<< The Llama Sanctuary is continually expanding and welcomes appropriate, mutually beneficial partnerships with corporate sponsors. Let’s talk!
Or why not give a thoughtful gift of individual llama sponsorship to someone you love! >>
A few of our sponsors:
The Llama Sanctuary in The Metaverse
Share if you Love Llamas
In this age of information, reviews and comments are vitally important to any organization.
Please, Please, Please! Head over to your social media or Google pages and leave a review or comment. We thank you.

The Llama Sanctuary Society is a Registered Charity