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The Llama Sanctuary in The Metaverse

Welcome to The Llamaverse


A virtual world allowing you to interact with The Llama Sanctuary no matter where you live


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The Metaverse

The Metaverse is an autonomous, virtual space created by the collective mind and activities of millions of people, businesses, social interaction platforms, shopping sites, games and much more.  It is a global interactive community space infinitely greater than the Internet.  The Metaverse is is likely to challenge you in a way that most people were challenged by the initial introduction of the Internet.  It is predicted that by 2026, more than 25% of the population will spend an hour or more in The Metaverse everyday! Why did Mark Zuckerberg change the company name from Facebook to Meta?


The Llamaverse

The Llamaverse is quite simply the world of llamas, alpacas and other camelids  occupying a space in the Metaverse.  You can get to know them, interact with them, play Llama Games in Llama Land, buy Llama Art in the form of NFT’s (Non-Fungible Tokens) and you can support The Llama Sanctuary through NFT’s with benefits, interacting with The Sanctuary in ways more powerful than simple donations.

Meet The Llama Cast

Boss Llamas

A collection of 100 superior Llama NFT characters

These high value Boss Llamas have real charisma and they are ready to enter into a host of activities in The Llamaverse

Laid Back Llamas

7000 unique AI generated llama characters

One of the most spectacular collections of NFT characters you will find anywhere in the Metaverse. 

Lady Llamas

3000 unique AI generated Lady Llamas

A stunning collection of artistic female llama characters including 12 Legendary Names (eg.Princess Diana)

Laidbackllama Hercules in The Sanctuary Metaverse
DeFi alpaca Finance
Laid Back Llamas NFT Lady llamas
Llama Sanctuary NFT supporting The Llama Sanctuary with benefits
sacred fire llamas Thoreau

Sacred Fire Llamas

Discover The Sacred Fire Llamas rising up from The Llama Sanctuary to enter The Llamaverse

High Quality Llama Art

with functionality in The Metaverse

Laidbackllama Viktor is a member of The Llama Sanctuary

Purchase Your Own Llama Characters

Boss Llamas

A collection of 100 superior Llama NFT characters

Check availability on Opensea marketplace

Laid Back Llamas

7000 unique AI generated llama characters

Check availability on Opensea Marketplace

Lady Llamas

3000 unique AI generated Lady Llamas

Coming May 16th 2022

(Open to LBL Holders)

Join The Huge Llamaverse Community

Follow #SanctuaryLlama on Twitter

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Join LaidBackLlamas Discord Community

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The Sanctuary Tribe


My friends call me Hash. I know I appear to be a bit of a mess, but I have the ability to become anything I choose. I haven’t chosen anything yet, so I remain the open Hash ready to become something new – when the urge takes me.



Go ahead! Judge me! I look different from other llamas but I LIKE being different. I was born to be different. Yet deep down inside I AM a llama of heart. My uncle Filbert had piercings long before it was cool. Viktor is my name. I’m a good listener, call me!


Chief Moresteam

Chief Moresteam

I, Chief Moresteam come from a Galaxy afar where we remember the Elements are alive. We come at the behest of our King to hold Gaia together as She shakes Her feathers. We wear a feather as a reminder. #LlamaLand & those who love Her will emerge victorious.



I am a know-it-all.  It’s quite simple.  There’s no use trying to sweeten the fact to make it more palatable to you.  So tuned into the Infinite Mind of the Universe am I that I know everything.   Book learning is a huge cosmic joke to make you think you start life with zero knowledge and have to study to accumulate it.  I AM the book!

Crisp'n Gold

Crisp'n Gold

Crisp’n Gold is my name & diggin’ for Gold in the NFT Hills is my game. I was browsin’ Opensea one day when I saw it #LBL 5001 What the heck? That fella looks jus like me! He is me! Holy Schmokes! I’m a chuffin’ Non-fungible Token! Now I look for ways to turn this into Gold



Life has been a tough road.  There was never a silver spoon stuck in my mouth, I had to have eyes all around my head to stay alive.  I guess that made me a bit sour.  I love animals.  I can relate to them and I can feel them.  People?  Phat!  …What are you looking at? 



My real name is Uruchillay, but you can call me Chillay.  I joined an online Saint School and came out with a PhD in Sainthood.  I bet you didn;t know you could do that, did ya?  You can buy a degree in anything, no questions asked.  I had to hustle to pay the fees, but now I can get a really good job in Llamaland.

Special Events

Llama Sanctuary NFT Collection


Llama Sanctuary NFT Collection Release

Amazing innovation in supporting non-profit organizations and charities through investment

Calypso and tribe in The Llama Sanctuary

Open All Year

Visit the REAL Llama Sanctuary

Book your guided tour now. An up close and hands-on experience with 40 llamas and alpacas you will not forget!

Latest from the Blog

The blog doesn’t get a lot of attention these days due to the tremendous amount of work going on in The Llama Sanctuary.  In the meantime there is plenty to read and there will certainly be more coming soon!

The Cast Comes Off – Broken Leg Healed

On December 17th I wrote about Coco, who broke her leg in a fall on the icy ground.  The initial prognosis was not good and several veterinarians did not believe that healing was possible in such a large animal and recommended immediate 'euthanasia,' a rather...

A Case of Broken Leg

Daily interaction with animals can bring huge rewards. To learn to communicate with and develop relationships with our brothers and sisters of the animal kingdom provides countless opportunities for personal growth, and we like to believe that animals are also able to...

A Cure for Paralysis?

A Cure for Paralysis?

Helplessness & Miracles Have you ever experienced that feeling of total helplessness in the presence of suffering? Whether the sufferer is a friend, a family member, a stranger or an animal, witnessing pain in another, without being able to alleviate it, can...

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

The NFT Agency
alpacafinance DEFI
SPCA International in partnership with The Llama Sanctuary

Join us or Donate Today!

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