We three llamas…

An unfortunate adjustment in family circumstances has lead to three much-loved llamas requiring a new home.


That’s me, just below!  Chestnut colour with a white face and beautiful facial markings …a bit special aren’t I?  I have one of those electronic microchip ‘thingies’ in my tail and apparently my parents were well known in llama circles.  Yes, I have my own halter and am quite happy to lead people around with it.

I’m pretty good when the hairdresser comes to town each spring.  Hey! not too early in the year though.  I feel the cold too you know.

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llama in need of home - bc llama rescue

Can You Provide a Home?

These llamas would prefer to stay in contact with their devoted keeper who is sadly no longer able to provide for them.  The Kelowna area of British Columbia would be preferred, so the current keeper can still visit them and bring them treats.  Contact Us if you would like to help.

helping animals in need - donate to The Llama Sanctuary


Although I say it myself, I look eye-battingly good for a twenty year old, wouldn’t you agree?  A full body of lush fiber and all of my own teeth.

I didn’t give my consent for that sprinkler photo, but I do love the summer sprinkler!  Darned paparazzi are always trying to sneak up on me.  They caught me in my night-time hair rollers once, but I ‘greened’ the lens in a flash and nothing was ever published.  Such is the price of fame!  Yes, I too have one of those microchips in my tail that shows my pure Feni lineage.

llama feni shelan, llama home required in British Columbia
llama looking for love, BC, Canada llama rescue


The youngest …and prettiest of the three (don’t tell Shelan I said that).  I also have my own halter and have been seen leading people around on a lead.  Did you think it was supposed to be the other way around?  I have news for you …we let you think that.

Llamas are renowned for being courteous, respectful and compassionate.  Whoever started the rumour about llamas being mean and spitting and kicking at anyone and anything obviously hasn’t spent much time with llamas, except perhaps in those abominable torture houses called ‘auctions’.  You must be certifiably brain dead if you cannot feel the bad energy that fills every nook and cranny at animal auction yards. …yeah, I am a little passionate.  Treat me and my family well and I will show you passion!

I would like to name a gate (or a bench)

9 + 7 =