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The Sound of Music remains one of the most popular movies, if not THE most popular movie of all time, and for good reason; the songs are so memorable!

Since yesterday’s post had me singing ‘My Favourite Things’ all day long, I wondered how many other llama-style, Sound of Music pictures I could find?  Well, here’s one:  The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Music.sound of music llama style, the hills are alive with llamasThis photograph was taken on one of the last days before the Llama Sanctuary moved eleven hundred kilometers south to Kingfisher, in the North Okanagan region of British Columbia.  The llamas seemed to sense the impending move and had a terrific game, running around the hillside.  There is no doubt that llamas love to run!

The Llama Sanctuary currently cares for around twenty rescued llamas and alpacas as well as providing boarding facilities for camelids, which helps to fund the rescue operations.  Would you like to help?