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Always seeking to find new and creative ways to raise funds to maintain the many services provided by The Llama veterinary homoeopathSanctuary, when we saw these beautiful mugs we said ‘YES!’

Not your typical clunky, chunky coffee mug, these are well made, designed for easy holding and dribble-free drinking.  Some mugs look really nice, but were obviously never aesthetically tested before taking them to market.

Buying two of these mugs will provide enough funds to buy a small bale of hay for the llamas!  So go on, treat yourself and know that you are also supporting the dozens of beautiful creatures who come under the care of The Llama Sanctuary.

llama mugs, raising funds for The Llama Sanctuary


pick up a mug in The Great Little Llama ShopThe Great Little Llama Shop

Better still is to come and visit The Llama Sanctuary and pick up a mug or two in The Great Little Llama Shop, perhaps the smallest and busiest llama-themed store on the planet!   (Go to the Contact Page for more details).

Order your llama mugs here:

[wp_cart_button name=”Set of 2 Llama Mugs” price=”25.00″ shipping=”6.25″]


The cost of shipping a set of two llama mugs anywhere in North America is $17.80

or you can simply make a donation to The Llama sanctuary here:

donate button-fulle-widthgreen