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As a way of saying thank you to the wonderful friends and supporters of the Llama Sanctuary, we have created a 2013 wall calendar, adorned with beautiful photographs of llamas and alpacas and it’s absolutely free to anyone who would like a copy.

lama picture calendar, free downloadTo grab a copy of the Llama Sanctuary, picture calendar, just FOLLOW THIS LINK

It’s quite a large pdf file, so it may take a while to download.  Once downloaded, simply print it on suitable white card stock and clip or peg together for a gorgeous wall calendar.

Each month is presented with a beautiful photograph of llamas in the delightful setting of the sanctuary and supported by inspirational quotes to keep you heading in the right direction every day.

As the curtain falls on 2012, Lynne and I would like to thank all of the friends, fans & followers of The Llama Sanctuary and Fibre Arts Bootcamp. Without doubt, it has been our most challenging year ever; with the influx of eight more rescued animals; with several seriously ill animals to care for over many months and with another ten llamas boarding with us, as well as several short term visitors, we have had our hands full. llama rescue, alpaca rescue, pictures Adding to this, we have continued to develop the fibre arts business to support the rescued animals in the sanctuary, which, even with three sad losses over the last twelve months, has reached twenty llamas and alpacas,

Throughout all of this, we still have to earn a living, to feed ourselves and keep a roof over our heads, in addition to financing the sanctuary, we have had to increase our business workload and seek other streams of income.  It has been tough.  We all have need of a mentor from time to time, to keep us on the right track and to push us on to greater things, especially when obstacles appear to grow beyond our ability to control them. The words of encouragement we have received from supporters have kept us afloat, especially at times when we thought we must surely be submerged.  Even the simple comments on the Llama Sanctuary Facebook Page and our various websites, have encouraged us to face into the wind and keep striding forward.  We know where we want to go and we know what we want to do, but at times the challenges on the journey can appear overwhelming.  It is something we all experience at times and it is during these times that we find true friends.  Thank you all for being our friends.

Where Do We Go From Here?

peaceful llama, okanagan, bcWith so much sorrow and suffering in this crazy world, it is hard to imagine that sufficient change can be wrought in time, to manifest the heaven this world is supposed to be, before the ‘camel back breaks under the weight of the final straw.’  Just as we provide encouragement and support for each other as individuals, we can also support each other collectively, to step up to the challenges that face us all.  If we want things to change, then we have to make them change.  One of our greatest mentors is Mahatma Gandhi, who left us a magnificent example of how to create massive change, in a peaceful manner, as well as a wealth of wisdom in his ageless words:  ‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world.’

Gandhi also said that ‘The worst form of violence is silence.’  We might think that we are powerless to make any meaningful contribution to change this planet, but the tremendous power of the Internet is at your fingertips.  Organisations like AVAAZ and CARE2 have proven over and over again that global petitions really do work.  A simple ‘electronic signature’ from you can tip the scales in the favour of the oppressed people and animals in countries all around the globe.  You command more power at your fingertips than you might imagine.  Five minutes of your time each day, sitting at a computer, can have a significant effect on the lives of others less fortunate, as well as on our own lives, demanding of our leaders what we want them to do.  Governments exist to do the bidding of their people.  If your government doesn’t hear your voice, then how can it know what you want it to do?

Each and every one of us holds the future of all in our hands. Occasionally, when I see the llama photographs, alpaca photographspitiful conditions in which some people are forced to live, I wonder what difference we at the Llama Sanctuary are really making?  Rescuing abused, abandoned or homeless animals seems insignificant in comparison with the greater picture, but these animals are still a piece of that Great Jigsaw of life, and without them the picture is incomplete.  Let us each do what we can and hopefully, follow our calling in life, even if it scares the hell out of us.

Thank you all and see you in 2013

If you can help us in any way, then please let us know.