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sponsoring the llama sanctuary
Our gratitude goes out to all the companies and individuals who have generously given of money, goods and time to support the llamas and alpacas at The Llama Sanctuary.  In these tough financial times, when so many organizations have to put a hand out for assistance, it is heart warming to know that people still care. A BIG thank you to:

Enjoy Custom Art – Pet Portraits  Contact Liz Thiessen to have your pet or furry friend immortalized on canvas.  Take a look at this exquisite portrait of Cuzco wading through the river.  The unique, hand-painted pixelated background is beautiful!  Contact Enjoy Custom Art

Liz Thiessen Enjoy Custom Art - llama painting
Laurie Merlo - artist West50East
west50east – kind heart animal artistry by Laurie Merlo.  remembering your family members through one-of-a-kind portraits.from your favourite photographs

The NFT Agency – To watch this team of digital marketing entrepreneurs at work has been a privilege, to say the least.  They take the work of digital artists and build such audience anticipation that when the time for launch comes, the artist is sold out within a few hours!  The Llama Sanctuary is truly grateful for their enthusiasm and generosity.  read the article:

The NFT Agency digital artistry marketing

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