Sponsor Gates & Benches

Sponsor a Gate or a Bench
A beautiful, lasting and novel way of supporting the rescued llamas and alpacas at The Llama Sanctuary.
The Llama Sanctuary has more than thirty gates controlling the numerous paddocks, corals and fences and it is so much easier to navigate when gates have names!
Our conversations sometimes go like this: “By the way, a tree has fallen across the fence near that silver gate at the far end of the 30 acres. The small gate on the creek side, not the big gate that goes into the forested section beyond.”
How much easier to say: “There’s a tree on the fence near Charlie’s Gate.” or “Lucy’s Gate is to remain open to increase the grazing.”
Come on! Give the gift of a gate to someone you love and make life easy for us at the same time. Win-win-win. How wonderful is that?
Your Support Really Helps
Respecting All Life
Your Support Really Helps
Living without Judging
How it Works
Use the Donate Button Above and make a donation of at least $100 to The Llama Sanctuary.
Send a note to The Llama Sanctuary using the Contact Form below and let us know the name you would like on the gate. Tell us a little story about the individual after whom the gate is to be named – The Sanctuary is a story-teller’s paradise and visitors are always curious about names.
We will hand craft a special name plaque to be bolted to the gate and send you a photograph of YOUR gate with a special llama thank you.
And we are in the process of building some lovely wooden benches for visitors, so if you would like your name embossed forever upon a resting perch, then mention this in the note to us.
Sound good? May the blessings of a thousand llamas rain upon you and your life!

Other Ways to Help
Etsy Store: Visit the Etsy Store FibreArtsBootcamp – all purchases are donations to assist The Llama Sanctuary.
Join us for fiber art tutorials, classes and other crafty events listed on FABinBC.com
Visit The Llama Sanctuary for Guided Tours and a Llama Safari
Spread the word on Facebook and other social media