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Llama Sanctuary Sponsors


A Little Goes a Long Way

For society to function smoothly, every wheel needs a little oil and society is made up of numerous little wheels: individuals, families, corporations and government, as well as non-profit organizations and charities.  Teams of volunteers work silently in the background, performing lesser-known services critical to the smooth running of community.  Sponsorship is an important factor in financing charitable and non-profit organizations, assisting society, the organization and the sponsor.  Sponsorship is a win for all.


Recent Sponsors

Columbia Shuswap Regional District

Donated $1500 to buy fencing required to create a special interaction/therapy enclosure where seniors, nervous or disabled individuals or groups can meet the llamas!

Mountainside Earthworks

Loaned machinery and manpower to prepare the ground for the new barns and shelters at The Llama Sanctuary

llama in a wheelchair built by donations
Supply & Fabrication

Thanks to sponsorship, the materials for this wheeled, llama hoist were provided at cost and a skilled welder generously offered to fabricate the device.

Types of Sponsorship

Sponsorship can take many forms.  In addition to financial contributions, The Llama Sanctuary welcomes all kinds of sponsorship: discounts on purchases, building materials, hay and feed, items and equipment relevant to the care of animals, manufacturing skills, advertising and marketing assistance and even physical labour.  If you have an idea you believe could benefit The Llama Sanctuary, please contact us!

emergency hay supplies when The Llama sanctuary receives a large influx of new llamas
Donations of Hay

The Llama Sanctuary calculates the amount of hay required each year, but a large influx of rescued animals can quickly upset that calculation! 

What’s Going On at The Llama Sanctuary?

Current Activities

new shelter being built at The Llama Sanctuary

The Llama Sanctuary is presently rebuilding everything anew after being forced to relocate earlier this year

wildfire evacuations - The Llama Sanctuary assists with evacuating large animals forced to lerave their homes due to disaster
Wildfire Evacuation

The Llama Sanctuary assists people and animals forced to evacuate due to wildfires and other natural disasters

Moonshadow a  recent rescue with the SPCA
Llama Rescue

The Sanctuary assists the SPCA with critical rescue missions

Guided Tours are part of the daily routine at The Llama Sanctuary
Guided Tours

Daily guided tours help to raise funds and provides a fabulous, educational excursion for the whole family


1315 Tappen Valley Road
Tappen, British Columbia
(250) 948-3675

Book a Tour

Daily Tours by Appointment
Open Every Day

