How to Donate to Llama Rescue

Donate to Llama Rescue

Think of animal rescue and you probably think of cats and dogs at the local SPCA shelter who have been picked up off the streets.  But situations arise in life that place all domesticated animals at risk.  Illness, death or other dramatic change in personal circumstances of the carers may lead to animals suddenly being without the necessary care and while it’s relatively easy to find someone to care for a cat or a dog, a herd of llamas requires a whole new understanding.  That’s why organizations such as The Llama Sanctuary are so important in this world..

llama rescue in British Columbia

 The Llama Sanctuary

There is a never-ending list of supplies that are required to keep a Sanctuary of this sort running smoothly: toenail clippers, fence posts, tractor parts, trailer maintenance, medicines, not to mention the hundreds of bales of hay required every winter.  Every penny means a lot to The Llama Sanctuary and you can be certain that every penny donated goes directly to support these animals in need.

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