It’s not often The Llama Sanctuary holds out a hand for help, in fact, it’s only happened once before. Today, is a Great Big Exception! The Llama Sanctuary needs your help today like never before. Without a pot of funds or even the means to borrow a pot of funds, The Sanctuary cannot continue in the present location; it’s time to move on.
(music ‘Inspirational Guitar’ by Alec Koff)
$800,000 seems like a BIG target to hit, but with undaunted trust in The Great Universe and in the thousands of beautiful people who have demonstrated the greatest of human gifts – compassion for those in need, this is but a small target. There is no scale of miracles; one dollar or one million; one life or one million lives, a gift is still a gift, a miracle is still a miracle. if you believe you cannot help, I ask but one thing of you – please share this post or this link to the crowdfund appeal for the sake of The Llama Sanctuary and the hundreds of llamas and alpacas whose lives are touched by compassion.

The Llama Sanctuary is more than a camelid rescue center, it’s a platform for encouraging compassionate and therapeutic interaction between humans and animals. Catching llamas set free into the mountains, collecting llamas abandoned in fields and yards, welcoming animals with severe physical challenges, chronic illness and injury and helping people find homes for their camelid friends for whatever reason; every year The Llama Sanctuary helps dozens of llamas and alpacas find the love, care and respect to which every living creature on this planet has a right.

The Llama Sanctuary is the largest dedicated camelid rescue organization in Canada and the only one in Western Canada, and at any given time the small acreage in the North Okanagan region of British Columbia is home to 25 to 40 llamas and alpacas. This number can soar in a single day and the present property is entirely unsuited to the ever increasing demands being placed on it. Right now, The Llama Sanctuary needs a new home. The Llama Sanctuary is growing rapidly and plans to create a self-supporting, centre for natural health and compassion and is reaching out for financial support to acquire the property.

An old farm nearby has everything necessary to establish a haven for llamas and alpacas, capable of supporting dozens of animals in need. This 160 acre property can provide a healthy and happy environment for many more animals and will also allow The Llama Sanctuary to open its doors to visitors, providing a wide range of educational and healthcare facilities, including the establishment of a centerfor compassion and interaction, designed to show how animals and humans can share this planet and evolve together. The property is fully fenced and ready to accept the first llama residents right now.
Supported over the years by running fibre arts workshops, The Llama Sanctuary can greatly expand this channel to include a multitude of art and craft skills and festivals, both international and native. With sufficient land to provide rotational grazing and employ natural land management practices, The Sanctuary can also provide emergency shelter for some of the thousands of animals, large and small that are displaced by wildfires in the region each year. The Llama Sanctuary has reciprocal agreements in place with other hobby farms, animal rescue organizations and care-givers, offering a safe haven for animals at risk in times of emergency. Non-judgment is a key principal of The Llama Sanctuary, which endeavours to advise and assist people in caring for their animals, finding new homes for animals if they can no longer manage and accepting abused, abandoned, injured, retired, sick or disabled animals with mercy and compassion. The Llama Sanctuary provides extensive homeopathic treatment by a qualified veterinary homeopath and employs natural health care principles wherever possible.
The Llama Sanctuary needs your support at this time, to create this unique animal care facility. Your donations will save the lives of countless animals for many years to come. Donate $150 or more and you receive lifetime membership to The Llama Sanctuary, giving free entrance to visit The Sanctuary whenever the doors are open to the public. This is a most exciting time to be alive on this planet as we bring in the 7th Golden Age of enlightenment, in which we create the opportunity to fully appreciate community, cooperation and compassion at the very highest level.