
Llama Sanctuary Articles

Llamas Seeking New Homes – June 2020

Currently The Llama Sanctuary is seeking homes for nine llamas. Two groups of four llamas and a home required for a single male.

Weathering The Pandemic Storm

Just when the number of enquiries and the number of surrendered animals goes up, the funding and the donations go down or stop altogether

A Taste of Freedom
A Taste of Freedom

Drive through the suburbs of any city and you will encounter many small homesteads engulfed by the...

Homes Wanted for Alpacas

A significant question that hovers over the head of anyone who keeps animals, is 'what happens to...

Fare Thee Well

There's always a tinge of sadness when one of the residents leaves The Llama Sanctuary for a new...

Climb Every Mountain
Climb Every Mountain

Having recently themed a couple of other llama sanctuary posts on 'The Sound of Music,' I read...
